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The Welcome Back SEL activity for middle school students is perfect for connecting with your students at the beginning of the year!


This engaging, comprehensive, and self-led activity offers 15 interactive digital slides:

  • Emotion Thermometer: Start with a personal emotional check-in.
  • Gratitude Practice: Encourage positivity by having students list as many things that they can think of to be grateful for.
  • Favorite Things: Encourage students to share all of their favorite things with you.
  • This or That - School Edition: A fun activity where students choose between two school-themed options, allowing them to express their preferences and spark discussions.
  • What do you Meme? #1: Students can find or create a meme that reflects how they think this school year is going to go.
  • What do you meme? #2: Students can find or create memes that reflects how their summer went.
  • New Year, New You: Encourage students to think about what they want to take with them into this new school year and what they want to leave behind.
  • Beginning of Year Reflection: Encourage students to think about what their academic and social strengths and weaknesses are.
  • School Bucket List: Encourage students to think about their top 5 school goals are for either academic or social desires.
  • First day of School Theme Song: Encourage students to share the theme song that would define how this school year is going to go.
  • Back to School Playlist: Students can list their top three songs from their back-to-school Spotify playlist, fostering personal expression through music.
  • Dear Teacher: Students can share at least one thing that they would like you to know about them.

13-15: Word Scramble (1) and Riddles (2): Engaging brain-teasers that add an element of fun and challenge to the new years-themed activities.


Bonus Agenda Slide: A matching theme agenda slide is included for you to present at the start of class and kick-off the lesson with agenda items, materials needed, and reminders.


How to Use: This self-led activity can be assigned individually for students to complete at their own pace. Teachers can integrate this "Welcome Back" as a beginning of year check-in, an engaging SEL lesson, or a relaxing breather day to foster connection and well-being among students and teachers alike.


Why "WELCOME BACK" is a Must-Have:

  • Engaging & Interactive: 15 diverse activities that cater to different interests and learning styles.
  • SEL Focus: Promotes emotional awareness, gratitude, self-reflection, and goal-setting.
  • Flexible & Self-Led: Perfect for asynchronous learning, individual work, or classroom discussion.
  • Supports Teacher-Student Connection: Provides an opportunity to connect with students post-break and create a positive classroom environment.


"WELCOME BACK" is a valuable addition to your digital toolkit, designed to support students' social and emotional growth while fostering a sense of community and well-being in your classroom.


*PLEASE NOTE: Slides are not ediable*

Back-to-School Google Slides

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